Friday, April 29, 2011

Friday Favorite…….I *heart* Cupcakes:]


Its true. I love them and all their yumminess. Id prefer a cupcake over anything. I have a dear friend who makes the most lovely cup cakes! You should check out her adventures in the Black Hills of beautiful South Dakota. She ventures to the coolest places so if you like to hike be outdoors etc. or wonder what life would be like with 3 boys this is a blog for you! Check it out here ------->

 (All cupcakes in this post were made by Cat of the Cardinal Cat!!:])



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Friday, April 22, 2011

Friday Favorite….A Picture from Pictures Past


Let me start by saying I love this picture! I took this a couple summers ago (with a Nikon D40 and and 55-200 lens btw:}). The man in the photo is my father…he is my hero.  Every time is see this photo I can help but smile and be a little home sick at the same time.


Friday, April 15, 2011

My Favorite…….Friday!!!! :]

I have decided to start a Friday Fav. post! I will post something that I truly love each Friday. It could be anything!! This should be FUnnnnn. Happy Friday!


So for my 1st “My Favorite…….Friday” Post… I <3 boys w/ lashes and girls with freckles…..well just freckles.




Wednesday, April 6, 2011

One, Four and so much More

Everyone loves a catch up post! You know the post where life has been crazy and your blog has been neglected. I have lots of favorites from Feb and March. I had the privilege of being a part many birthdays. I am always thrilled to document the milestones of childhood. We have also had our fair share of snow days…….And just for fun I am throwing in a couple of my favorite bloopers.


It is OneDerFul to be ONE!!


(what's better than a One Year old…2 of them…they are birthday buddies)DSC_5112DSC_5122DSC_5125


Four is Fantastic!!



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Five is Fabulous yuppp more Bday boys:}


SNoww Days


Bloopers…the Outtakes



Now that was exhausting…..nap anyone??
